Are you thinking about skipping an extended warranty on your next car? It’s tempting to save some money upfront, but have you really considered all the angles? The real cost of not having an extended vehicle warranty can be more than just a few repair bills. It can mean stress, lost time, and potentially even a bigger financial hit than you anticipated.

The truth is, no one wants to think about their car breaking down. But ignoring this possibility can leave you vulnerable to some nasty surprises down the road. Let’s face it, unexpected repairs can throw a wrench in your budget. When it’s a crucial component like the engine or transmission, those repair costs can be truly daunting.

Fortunately, if you didn’t purchase an extended warranty at the dealership, you still have options. Platforms like Owner Direct Network allow you to buy the same protection plans directly from the warranty providers—putting the choice in *your* hands. You no longer need to rely solely on dealership offers; instead, you can customize your coverage to suit your needs, all while potentially saving money.

Why People Consider Skipping an Extended Car Warranty

There are a few reasons why people decide against purchasing an extended car warranty. Often, it boils down to these factors:

Initial Cost

Extended car warranties can feel like an extra expense, adding hundreds or even thousands of dollars to the price of the car. It’s tough to shell out more cash when you’re already making a big investment. But with Owner Direct Network, you don’t have to settle for dealership prices. By purchasing your warranty directly from the provider, you may find more affordable plans that suit your budget without compromising on coverage.

Thinking “My Car is Reliable”

A brand-new car with that shiny new car smell? A meticulously cared-for used car with a perfect service history? We like to believe our cars will stay problem-free. But the fact is, even well-maintained vehicles can experience unexpected issues.

With Owner Direct Network, you can secure extended protection for these unexpected breakdowns, and do so on your own terms, rather than relying on dealership offers that may not fit your specific needs.

Confusing Warranty Coverage

Decoding the different types of coverage can feel like you’re deciphering a secret code. From powertrain warranties to bumper-to-bumper warranties, each type has its nuances. Owner Direct Network simplifies this process by providing clear, direct-to-consumer options, allowing you to compare plans easily and find the best match without dealership pressure. Read more about the benefits of Car Service Contract VS a Used Vehicle Warranty in our expert blog.

The Real Cost of Not Having an Extended Vehicle Warranty: What You Could Face


Unexpected Repair Costs: Ouch.

Without a warranty, any major repair bill lands directly in your lap. RepairPal found that the average yearly cost for car warranty repairs is about $652. Could you comfortably handle a repair bill of several thousand dollars for a transmission failure or engine issue?

Buying an extended warranty directly through Owner Direct Network provides a safeguard against unexpected costs, ensuring you won’t be hit with surprise bills that can upend your financial stability.

Inconvenience and Time Wasted: Not Fun

When your car breaks down, juggling phone calls to mechanics, waiting for tows, and dealing with car rentals can drain your time and energy. Some extended warranties purchased via Owner Direct Network offer roadside assistance and rental car reimbursement, minimizing your stress and helping you get back on the road faster.

Factors to Consider: Do You REALLY Need an Extended Vehicle Warranty?


– Are you keeping your car for a while? If so, the longer you own a vehicle, the more likely you’ll need coverage for repairs.

– Is it a complex car? Modern cars with advanced technology can be expensive to fix, making a direct warranty from Owner Direct Network a smart investment.

– Does your car have a checkered history? If so, extended protection offers peace of mind.

– Are you anxious about repair costs? If so, Owner Direct Network lets you customize a plan that suits your comfort level and budget.



The real cost of not having an extended vehicle warranty is more than just the price tag you see on the contract. You could end up paying far more down the road in surprise repairs. Platforms like Owner Direct Network give you the flexibility to buy protection directly from providers, often at a lower cost and with more customizable options than dealerships.

Take control of your vehicle’s protection with Owner Direct Network, and drive confidently knowing you’re covered.